Famous Caves
Deadline: Monday, October 1, 2012 by 08:00

Answer the following questions to each of the pictures posted below. Post your answers on the blog. The first cave photo has been done for you.

  • 1. What is the name of the famous prehistoric cave? (Hint: Use Google Goggles or a quick Google search describing the photo to find cave names.)
  • 2. In what country is the cave located? (Hint: Zoom out on the Google Map to see the country)
  • 3. What story or stories do you think the painting is telling?

EXAMPLE: Prehistoric Cave

1. This is the Cueva de las Manos.
2. The cave is located in Argentina.
3. I think the hands represent a ritual, where teenage boys paint their hands on the cave wall before a big hunt.

Prehistoric Cave #1

Prehistoric Cave #2

Prehistoric Cave #3

Prehistoric Cave #4

Prehistoric Cave #5

29/9/2012 09:12:25 pm

Prehistoric cave 1

1. This is the cave Saint Ours
2. This cave is located in France
3. It represents a big bear and a small bear

Prehistoric cave 2

1. This is the cave of Altamira
2. This cave is located in Spain
3. It represents a bison

Prehistoric cave 3

1. This is the cave of Coliboaia
2. This cave is located in Romania
3. It represents small humans, animals and objects

Prehistoric cave 4

1. I dont know.
2. This cave is located in India
3. It represents small red paintings of animals and humans

Prehistoric cave 5

1. This is the cave of Lascaux
2. This cave is located in France
3. It represents somes horses, stags and a bull

Mr. Hendricks
1/10/2012 04:08:04 am

Dear Arthur:

Pretty good! Check caves 1 and 3. Your names and locations are not quite correct.

1/10/2012 05:07:29 am

Dear Mr. Hendricks

Prehistoric cave 1

1. This is the cave of Chauvet

Prehistoric cave 3

1. This is the cave of Pestera Magura

Prehistoric cave 4

1. This is the cave of Bhimbetka

29/9/2012 10:23:05 pm

1.This is the Chauvet Cave Paintings.
2.The cave is located in Post stamps of Romania.
3.I think that the bear represent when the bears make babies.

1.This is the Cave Paintings of Bisons at Altamaria Posters.
2.The cave is located near of Santander.
3.I think that this represent when they when to hunt.

1.This i the MarypaTa.
2.The cave is located in Russia.
3.Ithink that this represent when they start to hunt.

1.This is the Bhimbetka Cave Pintings.
2.The cave is locate in Rasisen Ditrict i the Indian.
3.I think that a man being hunted by a beast.

1.This is the Cave Art.
2.The cave is locate in Frence.
3.I think the animals run because they are the humans are hunting them.

Mr. Hendricks
1/10/2012 04:10:44 am

Dear Judith,

Nice work! Check your caves for accuracy. Prehistoric cave #1 may be located on "Post stamps of Romania" but it is not the country. Prehistoric cave #5 is also not called simply "Cave Art." Look for Lascaux for help on this one!

29/9/2012 10:35:03 pm

Arthur,I like your coments,they are very interesting.

30/9/2012 02:05:57 am

Thank you and you too

30/9/2012 04:51:32 am

1. I think that these hands reach to reply in school 'cause they like they want to jump out of there

2. these pictures as memories that have been born cheetah

3. bull this as a warning for what that captivity

4. animals probably painted children

5. and it probably drew adults as tribes fought

6. this is probably hunting for animals to kill them because the families have nothing to eat

Mr. Hendricks
1/10/2012 04:06:05 am

Nice try, Sonia. But remember to review the directions from above:

1. What is the name of the famous prehistoric cave? (Hint: Use Google Goggles or a quick Google search describing the photo to find cave names.)

2. In what country is the cave located? (Hint: Zoom out on the Google Map to see the country)

3. What story or stories do you think the painting is telling?

16/8/2013 11:54:30 am

Nice post. I read total Post. It’s really nice. Thank you for sharing.........

16/8/2013 01:49:29 pm

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    The rules are simple:

    1. Check this blog every Monday. Blog writing is part of your homework grade.

    2. Write a comment of 2-3 sentences or more on the weekly blog post or on another student's response.

    3. Use correct capitalization and punctuation when writing.

    4. Go back and read your comment again OUT LOUD. (This can be to your computer screen or to your dog, if you have one). Edit your mistakes.

    5. Make sure your commentary is clean and respectful.


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