Countries of Africa
Deadline: Monday, October 22, 2012 by 08:00

It's time to start decorating our classroom map of Africa! Each one of you has a country that I have picked out for you below. Follow the steps carefully to know what you need to do for this blog post AND for the Africa map in the classroom.

= Blog post assignment

STEPS IN PURPLE = African map assignment in classroom

STEP ONE: Each of you has three clues that connect to a country in Africa. Read the clues and do a Google search to see if you can find the name of your country. Define each of the three words in your blog post.

STEP TWO: Once you have found the name of your African nation, you will need to fill in the blanks below on the essential information of your country for the blog:

1. Name of African Country:__________________
2. Capital: __________________
3. Population: __________________
4. Official Languages: __________________
5. Currency: __________________

STEP THREE: Can you locate your country on a world map? Find your country on the classroom African map drawn by 8th grader Piotr and trace the outline of it on a blank piece of paper. Decorate the country by drawing and coloring the official flag inside the outline (See below for two examples). 

STEP FOUR: Cut out your map and write the name of the country on the opposite side. Tape a corner of the country on the large African map in the classroom so others can lift up the map to see the country's name on the opposite side. 

STEP FIVE: Find out what and where the capital of your African country is. Neatly write the capital name and a star with a circle around it (⍟) under your country map flap on the classroom African map.


BRIAN: Chobe National Park / San bushmen / mopane worms

ADILBEK: Himba people / Hoba meteorite / world's largest sand dunes

FRANCESCO: Once called Rhodesia / Robert Mugabe / 100 trillion dollar note

FEDERICO: Giant Lourenco Marques prawns / Makonde art / Bazaruto Archipelago

MARSEL: Chewa people / "Warm Heart of Africa" / Chongoni Rock Art Area

RIVER: Once called Northern Rhodesia / Tonga people / Kuomboka ceremony

ARTAK: biltong / springbok / apartheid

DARIA K.: cabidela / landmines / giant sable antelope

Basotho people / Thaba Bosiu / spiral aloe

lemur / aloalo / Famadihana

LIAM: pangolin / Kota people / iboga plant

STANISLAV: Mokele-mbembe / Kingdom of Loango / Pygmy tribe

NIKOL: Goliath frog /Waza National Park / Lake Nyos

PIOTR: okapi / Boyoma Falls / Once called Zaire

EDGAR: Aka people / Jean-Bédel Bokassa / Dzanga-Sangha Special Reserve

VSEVOLOD: Eric Moussambani / Bioko Island / Francisco Macías Nguema


The Comings and Goings
of the Ku Klux Klan
Deadline: Monday, October 15, 2012 by 08:00

The Ku Klux Klan, often called the KKK or the Klan, is a name of three distinct past and present organizations in the United States. The KKK is often considered a hate group or a terrorist organization because of its tactics to scare minorities or other un-American groups. The origins of the KKK can be traced back to Reconstuction when it began as a secret society that opposed civil rights for African Americans.

Answer the questions about the Ku Klux Klan below on the blog:

1. After the Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan have been more visible and threatening depending on the political and social climate of the times. What three time periods or years have the KKK been in existence?

2. Looking at the three time periods, what major events were occurring in the United States (and around the world) at the same times of the Ku Klux Klan's existence?

3. What minorities or social groups have been targeted by the Ku Klux Klan over time?

4. Why would an organization like the KKK still exist today? Why would someone want to be a part of such a group?


Deadline: Monday, October 8, 2012 by 08:00

On April 14, 1865, the  assassination of President Abraham Lincoln was planned and carried out by John Wilkes Booth. Booth had three other conspirators who were to kill two other people in the Lincoln administration around the same time.

Look at the photos below and do some research on the assassination of President Lincoln. Write the following names and results on the blog post:

  1. Name the two potential targets from the Lincoln administration. 
  2. Name the three other assassins involved in the Lincoln assassination.
  3. Name the female conspirator who may or may not be involved in the Lincoln assassination.
  4. With your research, write a short paragraph (a minimum of five sentences) in this blog on:
        * What happened to each of the potential targets on April 14, 1865?
        * Which assassins were involved with each target?
        * What eventually happened to all three of the assassins and the conspirator after 
        Lincoln's assassination?

  Target #1

Target #2

Assassin #1

Assassin #2

Assassin #3



Watch the film, The Conspirator, and type an essay (minimun 250-300 words) debating whether the main character in the story was guilty or innocent regarding her involvement to the assassination of President Lincoln. Make sure your explain your reasons why you would defend or convict the conspirator.


    The rules are simple:

    1. Check this blog every Monday. Blog writing is part of your homework grade.

    2. Write a comment of 5 sentences or more on the weekly blog post or on another student's response.

    3. Use correct capitalization and punctuation when writing.

    4. Go back and read your comment again OUT LOUD. (This can be to your computer screen or to your dog, if you have one). Edit your mistakes.

    5. Make sure your commentary is clean and respectful.


    December 2012
    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012

